Pulling the Starters out in the 3rd quarter. A good idea?

January 5, 2010

When the Indianapolis Colts lost against the New York Jets on December 27th many Colts fans were not very happy with their coach Jim Caldwell. The reason for this is because Caldwell pulled his starting QB Peyton Manning and other starters out of the game during the third quarter. But Caldwell defended his decision on doing that but many people including the NFL are not to happy about that. When they lost last Sunday against the Bills, the  started looking into teams that were pulling their starters out of the game. It is not quit a good idea to do that because your starters are the one’s who win games and are the ones who can possibly bring their team all the way to the Super Bowl. But now the Colts have lost their record as a undefated team. The second undefeated that also lost their record was the New Orleans Saints. They started their season off undefeated but they lost that record to the Dallas Cowboys on December 19th. This may also be a result of pulling their starters but no one exactly knows what may have happened. Their should be a rule made about pulling starters. The coach should ask their player if they need a break instead of the coach just plain out taking the player out of the game. That way they would be making a lot of people happy including the teams fans. Also after both the Colts and Saints lost their undefeated season they both lost a number of games in a row. The Colts lost 2 games in a row and the Saints lost 3 games in a row. This is why pulling a starter out of a game is not a very good idea because it will make a lot of people unhappy and it will also end of perfect season that a lot of fans and players were hoping to have happened.

5 Responses to “Pulling the Starters out in the 3rd quarter. A good idea?”

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  3. Sometimes it’s really that simple, isn’t it? I feel a little stupid for not thinking of this myself/earlier, though.

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