Chicago Cubs: Curse of the Billy Goat

January 13, 2010

The Chicago Cubs is a Major league baseball team in Chicago, Illinois.  The Cubs play their home games at Wrigley Field which is their home stadium. An interesting fact about the Chicago Cubs is that they have not won a World Series since 1908. The Cubs have not been to the world Series since 1945. The reason for this is because they have a famous curse that people say that is placed upon them called the curse of the Billy Goat.  It is called the curse of the Billy Goat because a person brought a goat into the Cubs stadium and was told to leave because he could not bring a goat into the stadium and the goat was causing problems for the people in the stadium. The owner was very mad about this and said that the Cubs would not win another game. After this happened the Cubs still have not won a World Series since 1908 and it has been 101 years now since they have not won. But the Cubs may soon win the World Series because they are doing better than they have before and last year they made it into the playoffs but lost to the Los Angeles Angels in all three games of the first round of the playoffs. But since then the Cubs are doing better and they may soon be World Series champions after 101 or more after winning the World Series. Their may still be hope because over the years two other baseball teams have ended their curses by winning the World Series. These two teams were the Boston Red Sox and the Chicago White Sox. The Red Sox ended their curse which is the Curse of the Bambino in 2004. This was their curse because in 1918 they traded Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees and they did not win a World Series since then. The White Sox ended their curse in 2005 after not winning the World Series since 1917. their curse was called the Black Sox scandal after some of the players were payed to lose the 1919 World Series and were banned from baseball. This is why I still have hope that the Chicago Cubs may sooner or later win a World Series very soon and end their curse.

The Chicago Cubs were originally known as the Chicago White Stockings from 1876 to 1889. While under this team name they won 6 pennants and were in the playoffs 2 times. After that they were later named the Chicago Colts from 1890 to 1897. They did not make the playoffs or the World Series as the Chicago Colts. In 1898 their name was later changed to the Chicago Orphans and this name lasted until 1902. As the Orphans they did not win a World Series or a playoff game like they did when they were the Chicago Colts. It wasnt til 1903 when they got their official name as it is today. Today their name is the Chicago Cubs. As the Chicago Cubs they won 2 World Series, 10 pennants and they made the playoffs a total of 16 times. The last time they won the World Series was 1908 and they have not won a championship ever since.

During the 1908 season, the Cubs won their last World Series and thus this was the start of the Curse of the Billy Goat. The players with the highest batting average during the 1908 season was Bill Mack and Carl Spongberg. Both players batted a .667 batting average.  The players who had the most home runs during the 1908 season were Bill Tinker and Johnny Kling. Kling hit four home runs during the 1908 season and Tinker hit six home runs during the 1908 season. The pitchers with the most strikeouts during the 1908 season were Orval Overall, Jack Pfiester, Ed Reulbach and Mordecai Brown. Brown had 123 strikeout during the 1908 season, Reulbach had 133 strikeouts during the 1908 season, Pfiester had 117 strikeouts during the 1908 season and Overall had 167 strikeouts during the 1908 season. Seven of the Chicago Cubs pitchers had a perfect win-loss percentage during the 1908 season. The players who had the good records are Mordecai Brown with a .763 percentage, Ed Reulbach with a .774 percentage, Jack Pfiester with a .545 percentage, Orval Overall with a .577 percentage, Chick Fraser with a .550 percentage, Carl Lundgren with a .400 percentage and Andy Coakley with a 1.000 percentage. The players who were fielders during the 1908 season had a very good year and their averages are very good. Their averages range from 1.000 to .667. So from the way its seems the Cubs fielders had a very good year during the 1908 season. Hopefully the Cubs fielders today can reapeat that and by winning the the World Series very soon.

One Response to “Chicago Cubs: Curse of the Billy Goat”

  1. Very good article Matt.. I honestly never knew exactly what the black sox scandal was. Thanks for clearing it up.

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